Dental Implants and Physical Activity: Staying Active and Healthy

Dental Implants and Physical Activity: Staying Active and Healthy

What Do Dental Implants and Physical Activity have in common? Staying active and healthy is a fundamental pillar for a whole and happy life. However, many must remember that oral health is essential to this equation. Tooth loss significantly affects the ability to chew, speak or smile, negatively influencing general well-being and quality of life. […]


what-makes-the-difference-facial-cooling-after-surgery-Hilotherm Facial Cooling

Hilotherm is a device that has been indicated as an effective and modern method in the recovery of trauma and post-surgery. Cold therapy has been tested and approved for centuries to relieve pain and swelling, but the ideal temperature for treatment is within the thermal range of 10º Celsius and 24º Celsius. Hilotherm allows Dr […]

Trust and Excellence in the Voice of Our Patients

Trust and Excellence in the Voice of Our Patients

Algarve Dental Implants currently has 186 opinions on the platform Google Reviews, the majority being extremely positive.  These opinions and evaluations are not mere words left by the users of services in the digital world, they are the voice of our patients, the proof of our dedication and commitment to excellence in dental implantology. In […]

Which Dental Implant Technique Best Suits My Case?

Which Dental Implant Technique Best Suits My Case

When making the decision to place a dental prosthesis through one or more implants, it is not all set in stone.  Choosing the right technique is crucial to ensure success, durability, comfort and suitability for specific needs, avoiding complications and improving quality of life.  The Algarve Dental Implants team is here for you, to help […]

Will My Dental Implants Be Successful?

Will My Dental Implants Be Successful - algarve dental implants - dr cris piessens - Successful Implants

Many patients wonder about the success rate of dental implants. This rate is between 90% and 95%. Individual success is influenced by numerous factors. These factors range from the patient’s general health to specific oral hygiene practices, or the experience of the professional responsible for the procedure. Check it all out with us! One of […]

Dental Implant Surgery Booked – Now What?

Dental Implant Surgery Booked - Now What_

The decision to have dental implants is a positive step towards physical and psychological well-being.  It is the path to a healthy and confident smile and, with proper preparation and regular care, the procedure is rewarding. The Algarve Dental Implants team is here to support you every step of the way!  The initial consultation is […]

Dental Implants with the All-on-4 Technique, Recover Smiles and Quality of Life


Loss of teeth can have a significant impact on one’s appearance, self-confidence and quality of life. It is important to remember that there are dental solutions available to restore the function and aesthetics of the teeth such as, the All-on-4 technique which uses 4 dental implants to support a complete fixed dentition replacing all missing […]

CBCT – The Gold Standard for Imaging


Our Imaging Room is equipped with state-of-the-art 3D Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography (TAC) technology. CBCT has been described as the gold standard for imaging the oral and maxillofacial area. What is 3D Cone-Beam Computerized Tomography? CBCT is a medical imaging technique consisting of X-ray Computerized tomography where the X-rays are divergent, forming a cone. CBCT has […]

Ridge Preservation – Prevent Your Jawbone From Receding


When you need to have one or more teeth extracted, for any reason, it should be done in a manner which preserves as much of your jawbone as possible. From the time your teeth are removed, significant degeneration of the surrounding bone begins to occur. There is a special type of bone surrounding your teeth […]

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Olá, Obrigado por entrar em contacto com o Dr. Cris Piessens. Caso se trate de um assunto urgente, não hesite em contactar-nos para uma assistência inicial, disponível nos dias úteis das 9h00 às 19h00.

Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with Dr Cris Piessens. If it is an urgent matter, do not hesitate to contact us for immediate support, available on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

See you soon! Dr. Cris Piessens