Dr. Cris Piessens

More Than 30 Years Of Experience

He who works with his hands
is a laborer.

He who works with his hands
and his brain
is a craftsman.

He who works with his hands,
his brain and his heart
is an artist. ”

Dr. Cris Piessens has become the choice for many European patients traveling to the Algarve for affordable dental Implants.

Our philosophy is to provide excellent medical services without neglecting the physical and human dimensions necessary to offer quality to our patients.

Dr. Cris Piessens is one of Western Europe’s more experienced implantologists placing dental implants since 1987. His extensive clinical experience and continued academic post-graduate courses have made him a leading practitioner in the field of dental implants and oral rehabilitation.


Dental Implants

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Olá, Obrigado por entrar em contacto com o Dr. Cris Piessens. Caso se trate de um assunto urgente, não hesite em contactar-nos para uma assistência inicial, disponível nos dias úteis das 9h00 às 19h00.

Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with Dr Cris Piessens. If it is an urgent matter, do not hesitate to contact us for immediate support, available on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

See you soon! Dr. Cris Piessens