How much does it cost?
Having an implant treatment is an investment in your future and quality of life. Having new teeth that feel like your own is a highly valued experience. It’s a great and yet affordable treatment that will save you from other dental expenses in the future. More accessible than you imagine, check prices on the website and book an appointment to talk to us to get a detailed quote.
Le traitement est-il douloureux ?
As the implants are installed under local anesthesia, you will not feel any pain during the surgery. The treated area may be swollen for a few days afterwards, which could be slightly painful. In most cases an ordinary painkiller is all you may need to feel fine. Slight bruising may occur.
En quoi mes nouvelles dents sont-elles différentes des dents naturelles ?
With implant supported teeth it is almost impossible to tell the difference compared to natural teeth. With an implant-anchored full bridge there is no space between your gum and the prosthesis. No infiltration nor decay will endanger the long lasting result.
Combien de temps dureront mes nouvelles dents ?
With proper care and cleaning, your implants can last a lifetime. Like natural teeth, with the passing of time, the crowns could become worn or damaged. The big difference is that your new teeth can easily be repaired or replaced, if ever needed, using the same implants for support.
Puis-je manger tout ce que je veux ?
Yes, there is no difference between natural and implant supported teeth in what you can eat. If you have experienced problems before, you will be pleasantly surprised at the positive change that has taken place.
Quels sont les avantages des implants dentaires ?
Implants Dentaires are the permanent way for you to replace your missing teeth. Research and documentation show long-lasting results. Hundreds of thousands of people are now enjoying their new looks and their ability to laugh, speak and eat with confidence!
Aurai-je les mêmes sensations avec mes nouvelles dents ?
Yes! Since the implants are anchored into the jawbone, they function as your ordinary teeth when you are chewing, talking and laughing. Most people do not feel any difference between their natural teeth and their new ones.
Will my new teeth look like my own?
Yes! The most difficult task for us is making your new teeth look like naturally beautiful teeth that blend in the harmony of your face. Therefor we plan and prepare, using molds, photo and video, hinge axe registration and wax-up techniques to simulate your new smile. When replacing missing teeth with dental implants, it takes a dentist to spot the difference; they look so much like your own.
Puis-je conserver mes autres dents ?
Oui, bien-sûr ! Vous n’avez pas à sacrifier vos dents saines pour restaurer vos dents manquantes. Contrairement aux bridges ou aux prothèses partielles conventionnelles, les dents adjacentes ne sont pas affectées puisqu’elles n’ont pas à servir de support.
Mon âge est-il important ?
Your age is normally not relevant – more important is your health. But if you are under eighteen, you must be examined to make sure you have finished growing before you can undergo implant treatment. The eldest patient treated by Dr. Cris Piessens was recently celebrating her 90th birthday. The case was succesfully completed a few months before. ( * d.d. November 2019 we have treated 4 patients over 90)
Les implants dentaires sont-ils sûrs ?
Extensive clinical studies show only positive long-term results, the implants used have a unique design and the surface gives superior strength and ensures teeth stay securely in place. The threads on the fixture anchor the implant and preserve the bone. This maintains the soft tissue contour which is important for a natural look.
Pourquoi les vis sont-elles faites de titane ?
Le titane est un métal accepté par le corps. Le processus par lequel les cellules osseuses s’intègrent étroitement à la surface du métal est connu sous le nom d’ostéointégration.
Combien de rendez-vous chez le dentiste le traitement implique-t-il ?
It depends on your dental health and the exact treatment that is best for you. Some people need only one operation, while others need two. With the initial examination, the surgery, post surgery check-up, the prosthetic work and one recall, it normally takes about 6-8 visits until the treatment is completed. In many cases however, with today’s technology and over 25 years of experience, Dr. Cris Piessens can place the implants and provide the patient with – temporary – teeth in one session!
Read about the All-On -Four protocol to understand how we replace all your teeth on just 4 implants in 1 day .
Comment dois-je prendre soin de mes nouvelles dents ?
Thorough daily brushing and flossing is essential to ensure a long-lasting result. Your dentist or dental hygienist will show you the proper way to take care of your new teeth.
Pendant combien de temps dois-je m’absenter de mon travail ?
After the implants have been installed, some swelling or bruising is normal. However, most people go back to work the next day.