


Although a number of approaches to implant-supported restoration of severely atrophic maxilla and mandible have been developed, most of these treatments are very costly and implicate several surgical interventions , such as bone transplants and/or sinus lifts .

An exception to this, is the all on 4 concept, which uses only four implants to support an acrylic, screw-retained prosthesis placed on the day of implant surgery. This is followed by a definitive prosthesis after total osseointegration.

This full mouth rehabilitation is an innovative technique that allows for immediate function with a fixed teeth implant-supported solution without the need for any bone grafting procedures even in atrophic lack-of-bone situations. In this technique, four implants are placed two in the anterior region of the jaw following the jaw anatomy and the two distal implants are tilted at 45° angulation posteriorly.

This arrangement allows for good implant anchorage, short cantilever length, and large inter implant distance thus favouring fruitful outcome of the treatment.

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Olá, Obrigado por entrar em contacto com o Dr. Cris Piessens. Caso se trate de um assunto urgente, não hesite em contactar-nos para uma assistência inicial, disponível nos dias úteis das 9h00 às 19h00.

Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with Dr Cris Piessens. If it is an urgent matter, do not hesitate to contact us for immediate support, available on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

See you soon! Dr. Cris Piessens