Terms of Use

The website https://www.algarvedentalimplantscrispiessens.com/ owned by Worldetails, Lda., a private limited company headquartered at Av. da Liberdade 96, 1º C/D, 8200-002 Albufeira. Registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Ílhavo, under the unique registration and tax number 510 798 497, which operates in the market under the registered trademark Algarve Dental Implants Cris Piessens.

The user acknowledges that by accessing and browsing the website, you agree to the terms of use which govern the usage of the site.

These Terms of Use may be amended at any time.  Worldetails recommends that you consult the page regularly.


  1. Use of the Website

    • You may freely access the website through your browser undertaking to use it responsibly and always in good faith.
    • In particular, you refrain from engaging in conduct that is contrary to the law, that violates the rights of Worldetails or third parties, or that damages the good name, image, reputation and prestige of the company, its owners, managers, employees or partners.
    • You undertake not to use technological tools or measures designed to exploit possible computer vulnerabilities of the website with the aim of interrupting, destroying or limiting its operation.
    • You also agree to immediately notify Worldetails of any anomaly detected on the website, refraining from attempting to access information contained therein. Such as, personal data from attempting to alter the characteristics of the website or exploiting the use of the website in an irregular manner.
    • In the event of a breach of these duties, you may be held liable under the law for any damages caused to Worldetails and/or third parties.
    • Worldetails reserves the right at any time, to suspend access to the website or some of its pages to carry out management, maintenance, repair or alteration activities, as well as to close the website at any time.
  1. Information Provided
    • The information made available on the website is intended to clarify and inform you about the activity of Algarve Dental Implants Cris Piessens clinic and about the services provided.
    • Although the information published has been carefully reviewed, it may contain errors, inaccuracies or may not always be up-to-date, and should therefore be considered by you as merely indicative.
  1. Website Security
    • Worldetails monitors the traffic of the website in order to ensure its availability and integrity, seeking to identify unauthorised attempts to access, alter content or engage in activities that may compromise the website.
    • Unauthorised attempts to alter, destroy or corrupt information on the website, analyse or compromise security conditions, install unauthorised software or use the system for purposes other than those described herein, are prohibited and will be reported to the competent authorities.
  1. Responsibility
    • Worldetails shall not be liable for damages arising from errors in the content posted, irregularities or failures in the operation of the website, improper use or inability to use the website.
  1. Intellectual Property
    • You acknowledge that the contents of the website are protected by intellectual property rights under Portuguese and European Union laws, and undertakes to respect these rights.
    • All the contents of the website, including texts, images, sound, animation and other graphic elements, as well as the layout and structure of the website and the registered trademark Algarve Dental Implants Cris Piessens are the intellectual property of the company Worldetails, Lda., are used under license from the respective owners and may not be used outside the conditions of free use permitted by law, without prior written authorisation.
    • Requests for authorisation to use the contents of the website should be sent to the e-mail info@dentalimplantsportugal.com.
  1. Processing of Personal Data
    • Browsing the website may imply the provision of personal data, which is treated in accordance with the website’s Privacy Policy, available on this page: https://www.algarvedentalimplantscrispiessens.com/pt/privacy-policy-rgpd/.
    • In their interactions with the clinic, for example through the contact form available on the website, you must refrain from entering personal data of third parties without having obtained their consent.
  1. Links to Other Websites
    • The website may contain links to the websites of other entities. These sites are not owned, operated or controlled by Worldetails and Worldetails cannot be held liable for their content nor for any damages that may result from access to them.
    • The creation of links to the Algarve Dental Implants Cris Piessens Website requires prior written authorisation. Requests for authorisation should be sent to the info@dentalimplantsportugal.com e-mail.
  1. Questions and Suggestions
    • If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, you should contact Algarve Dental implants Cris Piessens/Worldetails through the following means:

Telephone: +351 912 986 126

E-mail: info@dentalimplantsportugal.com 

Address: Av. da Liberdade 96, 1º C/D, 8200-002 Albufeira


  1. Governing Law
    • These website Terms of Use are subject to Portuguese law.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Olá, Obrigado por entrar em contacto com o Dr. Cris Piessens. Caso se trate de um assunto urgente, não hesite em contactar-nos para uma assistência inicial, disponível nos dias úteis das 9h00 às 19h00.

Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with Dr Cris Piessens. If it is an urgent matter, do not hesitate to contact us for immediate support, available on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

See you soon! Dr. Cris Piessens