


What do we value most when we think about undergoing dental treatment or implant surgery? In addition to the best value for money, we also seek trust. Now, what kind of people do we trust most throughout our lives? Who do we turn to when we need support, no matter what time it is?

The answer: our closest friends. So, what is the point of this question? It is simple. If you live in the UK and you are wondering which country would be the best for your dental treatment, then few contenders would be as strong as Portugal.

For centuries, Britain and this small country have shared a bond of enormous camaraderie and friendship. In fact, these two nations cemented the oldest Alliance there is in History. Even so, there is more to this than a simple military partnership.

Culturally speaking, British and Portuguese people have a lot in common. Where did the English fondness for tea come from? And who sparked the interest of this Iberian nation in football? Just like two great friends, the connection between the United Kingdom and Portugal continues to bear a strong influence on each other.

So pack your bags and travel to southern Portugal! You will be quite welcome and your oral health will stay in good hands: in the hands of those who have always been – and will remain – your friends.

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Olá, Obrigado por entrar em contacto com o Dr. Cris Piessens. Caso se trate de um assunto urgente, não hesite em contactar-nos para uma assistência inicial, disponível nos dias úteis das 9h00 às 19h00.

Hello, Thank you for getting in touch with Dr Cris Piessens. If it is an urgent matter, do not hesitate to contact us for immediate support, available on weekdays from 9 am to 7 pm.

See you soon! Dr. Cris Piessens